Our Mission

The mission of Estate & Trust Advisors is the capital preservation and enhancement of wealth for business owners and professionals, affluent families and families in retirement.

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Our Services

Estate & Trust Advisors is an SEC Registered Investment Advisor firm (RIA). We manage millions of dollars for our clients in their trust, IRA, personal accounts

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Our Clients

Estate & Trust Advisors is a comprehensive Wealth Management Firm with an unparalleled service offering that can coordinate all of your personal financial needs.

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At Estate & Trust Advisors our goal is to serve the long-term financial interests of our clients by preserving and growing their capital in a tax efficient manner. For twenty years I have used modern portfolio theory to prudently manage individual, customized stock and bond portfolios. From the beginning our mission has been to give our clients the peace of mind that comes from knowing their investments are being handled with only their interests at heart.

As President of ETA, it has always been my desire to create a professional wealth management firm that operates without conflicts of interest and whose sole focus is on safeguarding the long-term financial objectives of our clients. Recognizing that each investor is unique, we seek to develop and implement a long-term plan that is specific to your situation, designed to preserve capital first, grow it second, and provide for generous income during your retirement.

I invite you to learn more about our firm on our website or by contacting us at (847) 441-4600.

Mark J. Schwartz